Our Restaurant

Zarraguillas is intended to give a family treatment, that the customer when he comes feels at home, this is where the fundamental difference is made. Being at the restaurant and being comfortable, you can stay and ask for more if you wish, being the family always there. Family treatment, friendly, as it will not be if the people themselves, Sacramenia, are in this way.

For the restaurant there are two areas, where you can find the museum and the newest part, among all, its capacity is 100 people. What you are trying to achieve is not to be a typical restaurant, with a large number of tables, individual or small groups, but rather that the one who visits the restaurant, is in direct contact with someone in the family, to make the experience more familiar, more collected, more human, knowing that the attention will be direct, the dish made at the moment, giving priority to a pleasant atmosphere, a restaurant of a lifetime. Any type of menu is elaborated, it is the client who chooses, but being the lamb the most typical that is made.

As Venancio Says:

Do you have any questions or special requests?

Contact with us, we will be
happy to assist you

Las Iglesias Street, 14, 40237
Sacramenia, Segovia

12 + 12 =

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